
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Dog Fancy was a monthly magazine dedicated to dogs, owners of dogs, and breeders of dogs. It was founded in 1970 and was described by its publishing company, BowTie Inc., as "the world’s most widely read dog magazine". BowTie Inc. also published its sister magazine Dog World and Cat Fancy for cats and their owners. The editorial office was in Irvine, Calif., and the statement of ownership in the December 2009 issue says the paid circulation was 202,000 copies. In August 2008, it began publishing a quarterly double issue entitled Natural Dog on the flip side of Dog Fancy. In late 2014, I-5 Publishing announced that the monthly magazines Cat Fancy and Dog Fancy would be cancelled, and replaced with alternating bimonthly issues of Catster and Dogster beginning in February 2015.

See also

Dog Fancy Magazine Presents Austin, Texas with the Title of ...
Dog Fancy Magazine Presents Austin, Texas with the Title of .... Source : www.prweb.com

  • Animal fancy


Bo-Irish Holstein and Newfoundland Dogs
Bo-Irish Holstein and Newfoundland Dogs. Source : www.boirish.com

External links

Just Jesse the Jack: June 2014
Just Jesse the Jack: June 2014. Source : justjessethejack.blogspot.com

  • Homepage

Weimaraners of Dog Fancy Magazine Simple Grooming Best Training ...
Weimaraners of Dog Fancy Magazine Simple Grooming Best Training .... Source : www.ebay.com

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